Friday, April 8, 2011


Sorry this is a week late but I have been enjoying my visit from my husband. Out of a year of him being away, we only get 2 weeks of being together. I am enjoying to the fullest. But anyway...

Did you put away your 3 dollars this week?? You should have 6 bucks put aside, so far.  

Besides enjoying my family, we did go by the bank and talk about purchasing a house, financial management, and extra life insurance

We have been wanting to purchase a home for a while but I was not too sure about wanting to purchase a home when I may only leave it in for 3 years. What if I fall in love with the house and not want to move? Because of this, we have been waiting to purchase. Though, I believe we have gotten to the point where we our own.

We also talked about budgeting and mutual funds. We started a new mutual fund and added more money to be debited into my savings account. Since I am military and the government shut up may be on my front door. Even more saving is important to us. I realized that I can actually save a lot more money than I am saving if I stop going out to eat so much.

We also got extra life insurance. I believe that its the responsible thing to do. You just never know and you want your family to be provided for just in case. My husband was deployed with a guy that passed away last week. Not because of combat but for health reasons. This came as a shock to everyone. Seriously, you will NEVER know.

I just wanted to stop by and say hello real quick and let you all know that I am still around but I am taking in all this loving that I have been getting. :)

Today, hubby and I did a spa day. LET ME TELL YOU....It was the best date we have EVER been on. We are already talking about when we are going to do it again. If you havent done it before, it is well worth the price. I really enjoyed myself.

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