This month's Curlkit review is quite simple. I actually LOVED that I was able to get full size samples this month. It also had an international theme which featured products from all over the world. That was wonderful. This month's contents are listed below and my thoughts on each. I used all but one product so far.
- Sofn'Free Nothing But Curl Sealer -FULL SIZE
Even though I use the CG method on my hair, I decided to use this product. This product does have silicons. When I applied this product it was very moisturizing but when it dried you could feel the silicon cast that was left on your hair. I dont know if that is because I havent used heavy silicons in about a year but I didnt not like the waxy feeling that it left on my hair.
- Sofn'Free Nothing But Curl Wake Up Spray - FULL SIZE
Despite not liking most on this line, I love this spray. It is a high glyercin based product. It is the second ingredient, water being the first. My hair LOVES glyercin, always have. Though you really shouldnt use a lot. HAHA!!! I made this mistake this weekend. I used it like I would use the kinky Curly curl mist and my hair was drinking up all the moisture in the area. Dont think I left any for anyone else. So much so, that I had to pin my hair up. My hair was getting too much moisture (not too bad of a thing right) and my curls were getting bigger and bigger. They were to the point of being untaming. I cant lie, it was moist and had a great shine. Just cant use too much.
- Curly Canadians Hair Love (butter) -
This is product was OK. I didnt love it and I didnt hate it. I used all of the product but it was very gritty. It was your typical shea butter mixture. It was a great sealant and added a lot of shine to my hair I just didnt like the grittiness of it.
- Bee Mine Juicy (spray)-
This product did what it was intended to do but it had no wow factor for me. I used all of the product but it will be one of those products that I can easily forget.
- Curl Prep Sweet Buttah -
This creamy butter, I actually liked. I didnt love but I did like. Sometimes products take more than a few uses to determine it was a product can be added to the rotation. I believe this was one of them. It was thick but not too thick and the smell was very pleasant. A great product to try out but not something that I would probably use again.
- Curly Hair Solutions Curl Keeper-
EHHHH, I dont even remember what this product was like. I guess that could say a lot about the product.
- KYNX I am Fierce Refreshing Leave In Conditioner- 2 sample packets
I did not like this product, at all. It made my hair feel like wire or hay. I had to wash it out. My hair was hard and it actually tangled my hair.
- 1 and Only Argan Oil Moisture Repair Conditioner-
I have not tried this product yet because it does have a silicone in it. I will use it as a pre-poo for a shampoo clarifying day. I will then share my thoughts of this product.
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